Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Maxiemillion

The Maxiemillion (from Italy) reviews PARADOX HIROTTON's tshirts design! Check them out!

you still can get these t-shirts from here

イタリアのwebマガジンで世界のサブカルチャー、streetwearを紹介しているThe Maxiemillion (from Italy) がPARADOX HIROTTON紹介してくれました cheers! http://www.themaxiemillion.com/paradox_big_horn_sheep_by_hirotton/     


Paradox is a blast from the past with a modern twist. Where else do you find authentic skate punk graphics nowadays? Hirotton is the man behind all this. Its creative outlet serves to this Japanese artist as a way to channel his art into what he likes: chaos, anarchy, friendship and skateboarding. In his catalog that was enclosed with this Sheep raglan t-shirt you had his designs but also a piece (written in Japanese, of course) on punk, skateboarding and squats. This is the blast from the past that I’m talking about: that xeroxed fanzine feeling that is lost over the years, killed by the internet. This is not the first time that Hirotton art is featured on The Maxiemillion. He is the man behind that graphic of Confusion magazine t-shirt that we saw here a couple of months ago. My jaw dropped when I first saw this graphics that is so contemporary without even trying to. In a moment where little chicks rock skulls on their cheap big corporations tees, a raglan of this kind makes sense and if you allow me to say it, it’s mad real. The art of this little big skater (little in numbers and big in inspiration) is intricated and overcharged with an endless amount of details. Traits from his pen keep on hitting paper and what you see represents that early vibe of British punk like no other artist that I saw recently. Putting his design to fabric involved a neon green shadow giving extra flavor to this raglan tee. F**k the system then: cop this t-shirt directly from Paradox!

Thursday 25 April 2013


Ive been quite busy recently
I moved to Tokyo and setting up my new studio

I got desk finally so I could start drawing and painting again

few new long sleeve t's are available at Youth(Fukuoka Japan)
何枚かのlong sleeve t-shirtsが福岡Youthで販売中なのと

new short sleeve t's are available on my online store
何枚かのshort sleeve t-shirtsがPARADOXのONLINE STOREで販売しています

and some new drawing in progress
そして何枚かのdrawingがin progressです

The Maxiemillion (from Italy) introduced CONFUSION MAGAZINEand my drawing.
イタリアのサブカルチャーマガジンThe MaxiemillionCONFUSION MAGAZINEPARADOXのdrawing を紹介してくれて

and Japanese punk pins company 'REALIZE' introduced my pins

Thanks for all your supporting!! Im so stoked!


Monday 8 April 2013


One of friends called "SAKURA SAN" modeled for PARADOX!
Thanks these pics are real amazing!
友達の一人"SAKURA SAN"が送ったTシャツでモデルをしてくれました

I still can print these long sleeves and few more t-shirts are available at here
and this online shop is for Japanese but more Ts are here http://paradoxsystem.cart.fc2.com you can just email me if you want some, hirotton@gmail.com

Saturday 6 April 2013


I just moved to Tokyo recently
Got quite big room but dont have a desk yet so I started wheat pasting on the street.

wheat pasteという方法の歴史は深く、小麦粉と砂糖と水と火さえあれば創れてしまう、まさにstreetが生み出した方法

craig率いるroadkill crewバルセロナ偏
guys are real sick!!


I just drew this for bmx contest "ENJOY BMX".
One of my friend called "kossy" is organizing this event
I had him create my website.
Check it if you're interested.

kossy主催のBMX contest "ENJOY BMX".のフライヤーを描きました
bmxライダーでありながら多才な男でparadoxのホームページ も彼に創ってもらいました